This is a video based off a talk I gave on Distributed Version Control for the Des Moines Cocoaheads and gave an example of how to use it in the context of git. The premise of my talk was showing why you should switch to distributed version control and showing off some cool things it can do. Today I seriously believe that with few rare exceptions do we really need centralized version control, in addition Subversions merging is broken and these distributed systems tend to do branching & merging in a much more pleasant manner that actually makes things enjoyable. Literally when you start using Distributed Version Control you tend to start making a lot of branches and do many more merges, it becomes you do commits and merges when you want to vs doing them in some regularity because you fear your version control system might make things harder if you don't commit or merge now.
Check in later for Part 2 where I demonstrate some features in git in another screencast... for now here are some things to get you started
Git Homepage
The way I'd recommend people install Git
Git OS X Installer (Google Code Project)Git Cheat SheetGitx AppPragmatic Programmers: Pragmatic Version Control Using Git [Book]Linus Torvalds Google Tech Talk on GitRandal Scwartz Google Tech Talk on Git